BABY-LOC® When It Comes To Kids, You Can't Be Safe Enough! Now you can own the kind of protection you need for your children. The BABY-LOC Removable Mesh Pool Fencing is a convenient and a cost-effective extra layer of protection for your pool. No company is more synonymous with keeping pools safe than LOOP-LOC, manufacturer of the legendary LOOP-LOC® Safety Swimming Pool Cover - the only pool cover in the world proven safe and strong enough to pass the "Bubbles the Elephant" test! Only BABY-LOC gives you the superior construction, quality, durability and ease of maintenance you expect from LOOP-LOC! BABY-LOC features and benefits:
Aluminum Poles 4' high sections
Aluminum Poles 5' high sections
Please call 866-spa-pool to order
- when it comes to child safety, there isn't a substitute for continuous
adult supervision.
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